
Office Policies

Indian River Primary care does not perform billing in our office.

We subcontract insurance and patient billing to Coding & Reimbursement Solutions

Phone: (866)263-3820

We ask that you communicate all billing questions to Kelly Emig or her staff as they are best prepared to explain all billing issues.

Indian River Primary Care has an after hours answering service. Leave a message with them and they will contact the covering physician and they should return your call promptly.

We have a very strict adherence to scheduling. You should not be waiting in the waiting room for more then 10 minutes. 

All of our physicians accept the following insurances:
(We do not accept Medicaid)

  • Medicare
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield / Blue Options
  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • Most Medicare advantage insurance carriers

All deductibles, co-pays, and patient balances are expected to be paid up front at the time of any office visit. We suggest you fast if you expect to have blood drawn on the day of your office visit. This is most cost effective as co-pays are expected at the time of lab draws also.

We do not accept United Healthcare. However, we will see United Healthcare patients and collect full fees and bill United Healthcare so patient's can recoup any prepayments.












Curtis Dalili, M.D.
Thomas Lewis, M.D.
William A. Arnold, M.D.
Miciara Hernandez, M.D.
Lauren Bloom, M.D.
Maria Pimenova, M.D.
Katelyn Reismiller, PA-C
Tina Barrett, APRN
Tammy Donnick, APRN

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Indian River Primary Care
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