
COVID-19 Vaccination FAQs

Does IRPC administer the vaccination?

Not at this time. We have signed up with the local department of health (DOH) to be able to administer the vaccination and the DOH has not responded.

Who currently administers COVID vaccinations in Indian River County?

List of phone numbers and websites provided:

Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital :
(954) 659-5950

Indian River County Health Department :
(772) 794-7400

Sebastian River Medical Center : Currently does not offer to general public.

How does one obtain the vaccination at these sites?

The sites that administer the vaccine have their own protocols. Indian River Primary Care has no control over who gets the vaccination and when. There is a shortage currently so there will be ongoing backlogs. Follow the instructions on the websites given.

Does IRPC administer Remdesivir or Monoclonal Antibody Treatment for COVID?

We do not administer these treatments as we cannot obtain the drugs. If you believe you need to receive any of these treatments, as you are COVID positive, please go to the Cleveland Clinic Emergency Room. Indian River Primary Care does not control the websites or phonesystems of Indian River County or Cleveland Clinic.












Curtis Dalili, M.D.
Thomas Lewis, M.D.
William A. Arnold, M.D.
Miciara Hernandez, M.D.
Lauren Bloom, M.D.
Maria Pimenova, M.D.
Katelyn Reismiller, PA-C
Tina Barrett, APRN
Tammy Donnick, APRN

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